Tag Archives: economy

The City We Need

Too often the cities we have disappoint and there is an urgency to make dramatic changes. Too often they are ugly, too often there are sharp divisions between the rich and the poor, too often corrupting influences hold sway, too … Read More

Recent insights

History and creativity can be great partners, but only if strong principles lead the way. This is my conclusion reflecting on recent involvement in places as varied as Siem Reap and seeing how tourism and world heritage sites could be … Read More

Recalibrating a sustainability narrative

The message is not getting across and the messaging may be wrong in spite of escalating evidence about the impending climate driven crisis. How do you change peoples’ minds and shift the cultural template so that so that one-planet living … Read More

Co-Innovating at Speed: The Shaking Hans Project

N.I.C.E. is the Network for Innovation in Culture and Creativity in Europe and at the Forum d´Avignon Ruhr on the 27th and 28th June 2013, held at the famous rejuvenated Zeche Zollverien in Essen, it instigated an imaginative experiment to … Read More